A.Q.A. Network was born in 2017 to support SMEs companies, with the desire to really bring value and support to People and Organizations which for us are organic living systems and, as such, can become intoxicated, sick and die. If normal intelligence is based on control, systemic intelligence seeks harmonization and this is our primary goal when we approach companies.
Today we are 18 Consultants, throughout the country, with a kaleidoscope of different rich skills, united by the red thread of ethics that we express in inclusive, loyal, respectful of diversity and humanity. Our client companies can count on Consulting and Training in various areas: financial, lean, marketing, team building, web marketing, MBO, organizational or personal counseling, certifications, legal, engineering, labor, graphology, Lego Serius play and not only.
All together, as Systemic Consultants, we decided to marry the Saving Bees project because we are convinced of the importance of safeguarding a fragile system like is the world of bees, which is now endangered by the lack of knowledge of how vital their contribution is to our planet. For the Earth system, the survival of man, is linked to the survival of this precious insect. The world is an integrated system of parts ''... we are a dancing part of a larger dance of interacting parts'' Gregory Bateson observed. And we at A.Q.A. Network we keep this in mind.

We bought agricultural land, and we are creating an ''Enchanted Valley'' for our friends Bees. We are sowing different species of ancient varieties of wild flowers and planting various medicinal plants whose nectar is precious for bees, to recreate a natural and special environment to support the life of these wonderful creatures, so important for life and for man.