We are Eco Factory, a small big Southern Italy Company. A company in the meaning of an entreprise, a company in the meaning of adventure. An adventure that started from Modica in Sicily. Here, in this area, at some point you need to make a choice: leave to imagine a new future somewhere else or build something from scratch and with so much effort. The answer for us was simple, in its great difficulty, obviously building from scratch.
Startup, or rather Eco-Startup because the perspective (and the heart) was aimed at the world and nature. We have grown, we have grown a lot in these five years: no longer a startup but a small Southern Italy Company. Why did we make this choice? Because essentially it was almost natural as a complement to our business, our vision. We are a small southern company. With our green kits, over 70,000 seedlings were born, together with our customers we have planted more than 10,000 trees in poor areas of the planet.
From the trees to the bees - with their extraordinary importance - the step is short. The idea of offering our customers digital (and then maybe real) boxes that include what we already do, ebooks / books, sound experiences and then, as a gift, as a special complement - a piece (as if it were a puzzle) of this which is the first hive that we have chosen, with you and thanks to you. With the wish and the hope that it will be the first of many.

We bought agricultural land, and we are creating an ''Enchanted Valley'' for our friends Bees. We are sowing different species of ancient varieties of wild flowers and planting various medicinal plants whose nectar is precious for bees, to recreate a natural and special environment to support the life of these wonderful creatures, so important for life and for man.