We started in 1997 as a graphic studio and immediately took off. With the explosion of the web we did not stand by: we expanded know-how, integrated professionals and embarked on new projects. Then came the social networks, the new media, the digital era: the time has come to broaden our gaze, create new connections, redesign communication.
Our Saving Bees friends teach us how domestic and wild bees are responsible for about 70% of the pollination of all living plant species on the planet and that they guarantee about 35% of global food production. Passing from flower to flower they take and leave essential components for plant life (and therefore for our life).
A little bit what we do in the world of communication by absorbing and launching stimuli, working as a team, producing ideas. As good pollinators of ideas, we feel particularly involved in the fate of bees - endangered by man's wicked behaviour that made the environment so inhospitable - and therefore it seems normal to help them to save us.

We bought agricultural land, and we are creating an ''Enchanted Valley'' for our friends Bees. We are sowing different species of ancient varieties of wild flowers and planting various medicinal plants whose nectar is precious for bees, to recreate a natural and special environment to support the life of these wonderful creatures, so important for life and for man.