Allnex Italy, operating in the Veneto region for more than fifty years, is part of the international Allnex Group, the world leader in the production of industrial coating resins. As part of the group, the Romano d'Ezzelino site represents excellence in the production of solid resins for powder coatings and also supplies products for the company's other businesses.
At Allnex, one of the pillars of our strategy is a concrete commitment to sustainability and environment through the development of programs inspired by the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. We strive for a greener future together with our customers, offering ourselves as the ideal partner to accompany their transition to environmentally friendly solutions.
Understanding that our future depends on the commitments we make today, we strive every day not only to reduce our impact as a company, but also to support larger projects aimed at the general well-being. We chose Saving Bees Project to specifically support the preservation of wild bees and pollinating insects as an invaluable natural heritage that is fundamental to maintaining biodiversity and the very life of our ecosystem. We believe it is also our responsibility to protect these valuable insects and ensure the best possible conditions for their survival.

We bought agricultural land, and we are creating an ''Enchanted Valley'' for our friends Bees. We are sowing different species of ancient varieties of wild flowers and planting various medicinal plants whose nectar is precious for bees, to recreate a natural and special environment to support the life of these wonderful creatures, so important for life and for man.