We Live in a world tailor made around the man. Great cities, cement everywhere that cover earth and plants, glass and iron that invade the sky while the man consumes all of the possible natural resources that still exists. A tired man, sedentary, bored, who doesn't think anymore whether to survive he must take care of him as of the other living creatures, from the greatest to the smallest as the Bees seem to be. We would like to have a different world, in which the match between man and nature doesn't have neither winning neither defeated. But we know that to go on we have the needs to make one footstep at a time. To give back strength and social weight to the Bees, as we want to do, we have thought about creating a custom space for them: an oasis of peace where the man have to tip-toeing, he have to respects the times of the nature and the job of the small friends.
The project consists in a real revaluation of an agricultural field, where to proposes a renewed agriculture, subtracting a small piece of land to the traditional cultivation, to create an uncontaminated area, rich of spontaneous flora and of plants rich of nectar, both grassy and arboreal. An area where the Bees can feed and then cross pollinate all around, pollination which is the base of the reproductive success and above all, of the biodiversity. In the Bee oasis we will place hives for the hosting of the bees and also for the reception of wild swarms. In the oasis will find space the spring swarms, recovered in urban areas or areas where can be not safe for the citizen and for the Bees themselves.
The phase of purchase of the agricultural ground is just finalized. This is a field, around 13.000 sqm, where seedings of wild melliferous species will be soon done, also various officinal species will be planted there, because those plants have the property to give to the bees a nectar that improve and make stronger the Bees Immune system. Also arboreal species as the Evodia Danielli, that blooming in August, when there are no other flowerings in the zone, this fact help the the health of the Bees during the most difficult months.