Komatsu Italia Manufacturing is part of the homonym Japanese group founded by Meitaro Takeuchi, who started the current business in the city of Komatsu, located in the central part of the State of the Rising Sun. Komatsu gradually entered the capital of FAI - a factory founded by Cav. Giovanni Bettanin in 1963 - until to own 100% of quotas in 1996.
In Este, a prestigious city on the slopes of the Euganean Hills, we produce earth moving machines - excavators - of small and medium proportions. This company in the Este region, has experienced many changes: economic, going through the various cycles of growth, maturation and social crisis, first following the evolution of relationships in the family and at work; observing and adapting to new lifestyles; technological, anticipating innovations in favour of customers; and finally organizational changes, thanks to the perfect integration of Italian intelligence and Komatsu Way, a Japanese philosophy oriented towards continuous improvement and maximum efficiency.
Komatsu - which means “little pine” - is strongly committed to a policy aimed at improving the quality of life through the development of highly performing products, services and solutions, oriented towards the creation of a sustainable future. The Company has therefore given common objectives to all its entities, which primarily concern not only workplace, safety for the achievement of ``zero accidents``, but also health and the environment. On this last front, therefore, the Este plant has worked hard to minimize CO2 emissions, by purchasing energy from 100% renewable sources and thanks to the connection to the municipal district heating network. It has implemented a purifier, capable of treating and recirculating 99% of the water used in the production process in the industrial water network. It also takes seriously the issue of waste and waste recycling, raising awareness among staff through separate collection islands and various educational initiatives with local schools. Thanks to this commitment, Komatsu Italia Manufacturing can boast the environmental certification ISO 14001, in addition to that 45001 on health and safety.
This year Komatsu turns 100 years old. Since its foundation, attention to the needs of the Territory and integration with the local community have always been fundamental values for responsible and shared growth. We are manufacturers, engineers, service providers and innovators. We are also environmentally conscious business partners. We work with our customers and host countries to develop sustainable solutions that can promote the progress of the Company. From a “small pine” to a sustainable world: opportunities turn into progress at Komatsu.

We bought agricultural land, and we are creating an ''Enchanted Valley'' for our friends Bees. We are sowing different species of ancient varieties of wild flowers and planting various medicinal plants whose nectar is precious for bees, to recreate a natural and special environment to support the life of these wonderful creatures, so important for life and for man.